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By law

By law

(unofficial translation, in legal matters please refer to Finnish version)


§ 1

The association is named Hämeen Mokia ry and is based in Hämeenlinna.

§ 2

The purpose of the association is to obey the principles of Christianity and to base the Word of God on the people suffering from the elimination of material, spiritual and spiritual distress; such as those with marginalized, substance abuse and mental health problems and people with disabilities.

§ 3

To accomplish its purpose, the association carries out the proclamation of the Word of God. The association will carry out volunteer maintenance work with these groups. The association maintains non-profit care homes and support homes for the above mentioned groups, as well as health, mental and spiritual rehabilitation. The association organizes training, counseling and research work in this area, as well as clubs, camps and other similar activities for youth.

The association also maintains an advisory role where meetings, discussion and counseling are organized.

§ 4

The association receives wills, donations and public subsidies to support its operations. The association can arrange money collections, lotteries, salesmen, exercise kiosks, publish notes and keep flea markets, as well as a restaurant and hotel store in one office after obtaining appropriate permits. The association applies for project funding to develop its operations. However, the activities of the association do not imply the acquisition of profits or other financial gains to the participants, nor may the activities of the association be principally economic.

§ 5

A member of the association may join a congregation or other Christian legal entity approved by the board of the association. A profitable member of the association may be a private person or a legal entity approved by the association's board of directors.

The association keeps a list of members, listing the necessary information for the member.

§ 6

A member of the association is entitled to resign from the association by giving written notice to the board or its chairman, or by declaring the resignation to the minutes of the association's meeting.

A member of the association may be removed from the association by a decision of the board if he or she has neglected to pay the membership fee for more than three months after the expiration of the membership or if he or she is harming the association or the achievement of its purpose.

§ 7

The association membership fee, both for the actual and the profitable members, is decided by the association's autumn meeting.

§ 8

The spring meeting of the association will be held no later than May and will cover the following issues:

Presentation of the Association's activity report, accounts and auditor's statement;
the financial statements for the previous period shall be set;
deciding on the discharge to the Board of Directors and the measures that the board of the association and the auditor's opinion may give cause;
dealing with other issues raised by members of the board or association.
The autumn meeting of the association will be held by November at the latest and will cover the following issues:

The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected to replace the due date and two alternates for the following calendar year:
decide on the amount of membership fees;
establish an action plan and a budget for the following year;
the auditor and deputy auditor will be selected to inspect the administration and accounts for the next calendar year. The auditor must be unobstructed and capable of performing his / her duties, and is approved by the Accountant (HTM);
other matters presented by members of the board or association.
§ 9

An extraordinary meeting of the Association is held when the Government deems it necessary or when at least one twentieth (1/20) of the members entitled to vote for the Association specifically requests it in writing.

§ 10

A meeting of the association is convened at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting in the newspaper published by the association's autumn meeting or by members of the association at least seven (7)

The invitation must include the items to be discussed at the meeting.

Other communications will be forwarded to the members of the association via letter by post.

§ 11

Each meeting of the Association shall have one (1) vote through each of its authorized representatives.

Supporting members do not have voting rights.

At meetings of the association, decisions are taken each time by a single chairman and a simple majority, unless otherwise stated. When the votes are distributed equally, the decision that the chairman has voted for shall be the decision.

However, in the elections, the lot is determined.

§ 12

The minutes shall be kept secretary of the Association at meetings.

The minutes are signed by the chairman and the secretary, as well as by the two meeting representatives elected for this purpose.

§ 13

The association's finances and affairs are managed and represented by a government with a two-year chairman and three (3) regular members elected for two years at a time.

Alternates are selected for two for one calendar year at a time.

The term of office of the Board of Directors is a calendar year.

The Board of Directors elects among its members a vice-president and an executive secretary, a treasurer and other staff members.

The Board of Directors is convened by the Chairperson or by the Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors, often when the matters of the Association require and have a quorum of Chairman or Vice Chairman and at least half of the other members present. A board meeting may be held electronically with the agreement of all members of the Board of Directors.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors are audited by two members of the Board of Directors elected to the post. In order to prepare for a meeting of an association or for consideration by the Board, the board may set up a bureau, divide it into chambers or set up temporary committees

The management and supervisory boards of the board of directors can be set up to manage the finances and affairs of the affiliated institutions, whose composition is decided by the association meeting.

§ 14

The name of the association is written by the chairman and deputy chairman of the board jointly or by a staff member of the association appointed by the board.

§ 15

The members of the association's board are entitled to receive a maximum of a meeting fee equal to the chairman and members of the state committee when acting on behalf of the association.

§ 16

The association's financial year is the calendar year. The Association's accounts, annual report and other business documentation must be submitted to the auditor by 28 February.

The auditor must carry out his duties and report before the end of March.

§ 17

The decision to change the rules and untie the association must be made by a majority of at least three quarters (3/4) of the votes cast by the association meeting.

§ 18

If an association is discharged or terminated, it has its assets when the debts have been paid, use the purpose set out in Article 2 of these Rules to promote the purpose as decided by the Disposal Meeting.

§ 19

Otherwise, the provisions of the Act on Associations Act in force in the Association shall be complied with.

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